As I'm sitting in my living room this morning, I started to think through all the things for which I'm grateful. I decided to see if I can do an A-Z list. So - here goes.
I am grateful today for:
A: Abundance. I don't take lightly the fact that at any given time, I have more than enough of whatever I need. I have been blessed.
B: Bread. I don't mean this in the literal sense (although who am I to pass up a good dinner roll?!), but the fact that I am able to nourish my body in a healthy way is another example of the abundance in my life.
C: Coffee. Seriously. It's a treat I get to enjoy every day.
D: Dave. I had always heard how your spouse completes you. I never fully understood that, until I married Dave. I love this man more than I ever imagined I could love another human.
E: Energy. Sometimes I joke about how exhausting it is being me. I am grateful for the energy and spirit I am given to complete the tasks that are in front of me.
F: Faith. Knowing I have everything I need in Christ is beyond incredible for me to imagine.
G: Godchildren. I've not been blessed with my own children, but having been asked to help with the spiritual rearing of Lauren, Lucas, Anslei, and Laura Mae (and being a confirmation sponsor for Vanessa) has been a humbling, incredible blessing.
H: Home. We are blessed with a wonderfully safe, secure home. I love that Dave opened his heart and home to me when we got married, and that we can share our home with our friends and families.
I: In-Laws. My brother-in-laws and sister-in-laws mean so much to me. I am grateful for what each of them brings to our family.
J: Jesus. Need I say more?!
K: Krance family. Just typing that brings tears to my eyes. I love my family.
L: Life. Too many loved ones have endured "close calls" with health this year, and their experiences have helped me treasure each day even more.
M: Music. Ahhh.
N: Network of friends who support me. Whether from a professional perspective, heart-to-heart friends, or more casual acquaintances, I am grateful for the incredible people with whom I surround myself.
O: Opportunities. I have been given great opportunities to grow as an individual, but also to encourage others, which is my greatest joy.
P: Purpose. My purpose in this world is to help others know Christ. I am grateful for the guidance and opportunities He provides me to do this. I fail miserably at times, but that makes me more grateful for His mercy and grace.
Q: Quilts. I love making quilts or afgans to share with others. The warmth and security they provide is almost like an invisible hug from me to them.
R: Running. I don't do it nearly enough, but I am grateful for my health and strength, and the ability to run.
S: Sunrises. They just remind me of God's presence, and the possibilities that come with each new day.
T: Teaching. It is my job, but it is my passion. Whether teaching young people, or other adults.
U: Understanding. Grateful for my mental capacity to understand , and grateful for being understood.
V: Vastness of the world. The beauty I observe, whether here at home, at the beach, at the mountains, all bring my heart and focus back to the wonder of creation and what God has done.
W: Wendt family. OK, a new round of tears for me. How this family has welcomed me into their lives is beyond what I thought any family could. I love them.
X: X-periences. (So I cheated a little......) We have had some awesome experiences this year, which I cherish.
Y: Young people. They drive me wacko once in a while, but I see such hope and promise in them.
Z: Zucchini. I like zucchini, but what zucchini makes me think of are people sharing what they have been given. I am grateful for what others share.
That's my list. What would you include in your list?
I have so very many things to be grateful for this year.
Including zucchini.
Love this list! What a neat idea to do an A-Z list. Leave it to you to take on that challenge. I do admire you, my friend. You are awesome!