Monday, February 16, 2015

The Beauty of Grace (A book review)

I received a copy of this book from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group in exchange for my opinion.  Affiliate links are present.   

For the past few years, I've been following several bloggers and bloggers whose words tend to resonate within my heart.  A new book has just been released which features several of these writers.  Dawn Camp has created a collection of writing from some of my favorite contemporary women.  "The Beauty of Grace" is this recent release, and you can get to know Dawn here.
I love me some good girlfriend time.  Time to get together, kick off your shoes, grab a cup of coffee or a glass of tea, and get real.  This book is like girlfriend time in print.  If I could collect up some of the most loving, generous, real writing going on today, there's no way I could have done better than the amazing job Dawn did putting this book together.  These ladies?  They're the real deal.  Their stories are honest, encouraging, forward, real.  Although I have never met any of these women in real life, their writing helps me imagine that if I were to, in fact, meet them some day, an easy friendship would develop, based on the openness and vulnerability they share in their writing.
The topics these ladies write on? Topics with which I believe every woman is challenged. I mean, who hasn't (or doesn't) struggle with purpose, surrender, trust, encouragement at some time?
As a compilation book, each entry is relatively brief.  (Think "Chicken Soup for the Soul" here.) This feature makes it really easy to pick the book up during those few free minutes we may find here and there.  While I was reading each entry and would come to the end of it, I found myself thinking, "Oh, that was my favorite one."  Then, sure enough, I'd read another entry, and the same thought would come to mind.  And on, and on, and on.
This book is a great choice for any woman needing to be encouraged.  Or challenged.  Or assured.  Or needing girlfriend time.
Like I said, this is the best example of girlfriend time in print I've ever seen.  I have a feeling I will be ordering additional copies to have as gifts for my girlfriends when we can't be face to face.

1 comment:

  1. Amy, what a beautiful review - described it perfectly!!!! Have a great day, Kim Stewart
