Saturday, September 28, 2013

Five Minute Friday: TRUE

Five Minute Friday: True

Linking up with Lisa Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday.  This week's prompt: True.
Ready, go!

I know some things to be true:
God's love is unconditional.  He loves me exactly as I am.
There is nothing I can do more of, or less of, for Him to love me any more.
I know, all too well, I am far, far, far from being anything near perfect.  God alone is perfect.
So then, why do I spend so much of my time, thoughts, energy, and efforts trying for perfection?  Regardless of what I am doing at school, at home, with family, with friends, so much of the time I feel "less than."  I feel like I'm not doing enough, not doing well enough.  That I can do more, do better.  The enemy invades my thoughts way too often, and if I'm not careful, those thoughts take over my mind.
But then what I know to be true comes back to me again: all I can do is all I can do; all I can ever be is what God made me.  God's love, grace, mercy does not depend upon on me.  Not in the least. Thankfully.
And I need to settle that truth more securely in my heart.



  1. Amen! As you already visited my blog today, you know where I stand on God's truth. We need to learn to believe what He says about us and stand on THAT truth! Dare to believe. Love you my sister

    1. Thank you for coming by Mindy! Dare to believe -- yes!

  2. I too wrote on God's truth. :)
    So thankful that my worth is found in Him and is not dependent on this imperfect, broken person that I am!

    1. Absolutely, Laurie! We have much to be thankful for! Thanks for your thoughts!

  3. This truth is beautiful! Keep holding tight to his love. Happy weekend, friend!

  4. Amen! So glad I stopped in from FMF because I sure do struggle with trying to be perfect... and failing so very miserably at it. Thank you for the reminder that God's love is not reliant on my perfection... or on me at all!! :)
    ~Sarah from

  5. Yes, my friend. This is where it's at. We do all we can and HE COVERS a multitude of sin. It is by grace...and grace alone...that we have been saved. Amen!
