Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Taking Better Pictures

This morning I happened upon this post by Deidra Riggs, a writer and speaker who lives in Lincoln (!!!) and has wonderful posts on her blog, as well as wonderful guest posts, as was the case today.  Cindee Snider Re blogs at Breathe Deeply, and I am easily her newest big fan.
I was inspired after reading Cindee's post on Deidra's site called "6 Tips for Taking Better Pictures."  I had heard of several of the apps and sites she recommended for editing photos, but had really never spent much time exploring or playing with them.
Another reason this topic intrigued me is that I'm taking part in an online (in)courage group whose focus is all about discovering art in your life. Our challenge this week was to try our hand at another form of art outside our usual area.  For instance, some ladies in the group are paint and paper artists, some are photographers, some are fiber artists, etc.  Since I'd been doing a lot of crocheting lately, I figured it would be good for me to try something else for a bit.
This is a gorgeous Wednesday at the start of summer, and I actually had some free time this afternoon.  So I grabbed my little Sony Cybershot camera and headed outside in the wind and the sun so see what I could see.  As I walked around the front of the house, nothing caught my eye.  I even said out loud, "Everything is so ordinary."  But, I would not be denied finding shots that showed the everyday beauty that surrounds me!!  I first ventured over to the upper pond and took a couple pictures there.  With the wind, it was so pretty to see the grass and the trees moving and blowing.
Then I decided to head out the driveway a little bit and see what I could discover about the corn that's planted.  I had already taken a couple other pictures of the corn this spring, but this was my first attempt at doing any editing with one.
On the other side of the driveway is a field of beans.  I had fun trying to get some different angles of the rows and the field.
As I was coming back in toward the house, I decided to see if I could capture how pretty our spirea and barberry bushes are this year.  Honestly, it was hard to see what (if anything) I was getting a picture of, as it was so bright outside and the screen on the camera was reflecting so much!  But this is one of the pictures I got.

As I finished up, I realized truly, yet again, how incredibly blessed I am to be surrounded with this God-given beauty every day.  Honestly, beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.  
All these pictures were done with just the basic editing tools on PicMonkey - very cool site, no registration needed, just upload a picture and go!  
I know there are many other sites that have great features as well that I can't wait to try on another day.  Plus, I want to play with the camera on my phone and some mobile apps to see what other fun things I can discover.  
What are your favorite editing sites and apps? What hints and tips do you have to share?  


  1. This totally made my day! LOVE that you picked up your camera and tried something new! Thanks so much for sharing this with me. :)

    1. Thank YOU, Cindee, for sharing your ideas and wisdom!

  2. Oh I love this so much Amy! I read the same post and loved how Cindee kept the tips 'user-friendly' for everyone and made it all seem so doable! And wow! Those photo's... and all that beauty!!! I love it!

    1. I agree, Karrilee --- Cindee's tips were so easy to understand. That helped me be so much more brave! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Well how cool is this?!?!? Yay for you for trying something new!!! Great job!!!

    1. So glad you had Cindee on your blog today! Thanks for taking a moment to click over to my corner of the world! :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Debbie! And, you know, you are welcome to come back over anytime and see this all in person! :)

  5. Replies
    1. I like that one too, Laurie! It actually was kind of tricky to get, as the wind was blowing really pretty hard, so it kept blurring on me. Grateful I had time to stand and wait for the breeze to die down! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  6. Beautiful shots, my friend! I think the spirea is my fav. I don't do much with my pics. Just point, shoot, print and scrap. :)

    1. You take beautiful pics, my dear!! It was fun to play around with the editing -- I could easily get lost for a long time in that. I'll have to venture with you and the boys to the Park sometime for some new shots.
