It comes as a text message.
"Have time to get together later this week?"
It comes as a PS at the end of an email.
"Coffee sometime?"
The invitation to visit.
I'm as grateful as the next person for modern communication and technologies to keep in touch with people: Texting, phone calls, emails, Facebook, instant chatting.
But somehow, I still need face time.
Things are just better when I can connect face-to-face with a friend, even if it's just for a short time, as was the case just this week.
I hadn't gotten to chat with a friend of mine for a couple weeks. We're both busy, of course (as everyone is these days, right?!), and we've found setting up coffee dates can be tricky. We both happened to have a short bit of time after school one day, so without trying to over-plan our visit, we just did it.
I popped in on my way home after school, their boys lounging on the couch and working on projects, her husband doing some household tasks. She offered coffee, tea, water, but we didn't even need those things.
We just needed to connect.
We chatted through food options, supper ideas, parents, families, church and faith, friends.
Short and sweet was my visit, but boy howdy, we needed this visit.
The ordinary-ness of everyday living was wearing on both of us, and we needed that time of grace in the middle of so many things going on.
I'm so grateful for these friends who reach out with the request to visit. And I'm so glad when the friendship gets to the point where you don't even need coffee to connect.
You just need their presence.
YES, I am right there with you. Yes, technology is great for quick little questions, but there is absolutely nothing like having time to see a good friend, and give her a quick hug or see her eyes really sparkle when she laughs. No technology can make up for time with friends. Great reflection!
I'm with you! Face time is so much more meaningful than Facebook time. Technology has been wonderful, helping me keep in touch with long distance family and friends, but when we can see each other, hug each other and laugh with each other, it's so much more meaningful. (Popping in from FMF on a Tuesday) Have a wonderful day!